Building a new future
We've been living in the HVP Central school for 6 weeks now, immersed in both the teaching and day to day hostel life. All the volunteers are together in one shared room whilst the other (en-suite) guest room functions as the nursery, as it has done since the old buildings damage in the 2015 earthquake. The new building has flown up in that time with 2 whole floors being completed. The ongoing construction is however taking up the outdoor play area, confining break time to the small front yard and the corridors.

The new building will be immensely valuable to the school allowing for a properly equipped nursery, full use of the existing outdoor area and expansion to grade 12. The government now requires schools to provide classes up to grade 8 OR 12, therefore without this expansion the school would have to cut back on classes 9 & 10. The building has been constructed to earthquake-resistant standards, with the designs cross-examined by multiple architects, and so will serve as a safe shelter for the community in the event of another earthquake.
Amazing work has been done so far in fundraising and maximising cost efficiency. Construction of the first 4 floors is currently paid for. Adding the planned 5th floor will cost 5mil NPR with walls and furnishing costing a further 8-10mil NPR.

During our time here it has become clear both how necessary this new building is and the importance of its swift completion. With it HVP will be an even brighter hub in the community.
Will Sir, Ellie Miss, Becca Miss