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Steps For Schools: Take a Virtual Trek Across Nepal for HVP

By Ellie Piggott, HVPN-UK Fundraising Officer


It’s been a turbulent year for the HVP community and the world as a whole, and so it is more important than ever that we come together as a community to take care of ourselves, but also to support the causes that mean most to us. Steps for Schools will help you to achieve both: to take care of your own mental and physical health by encouraging you to get moving and breathe in some fresh air, while also raising money for HVP Nepal.

It will come as no surprise to many of you that the HVP schools have been hit particularly hard by this pandemic. With unpredictable school closures, surging school dropout rates and even the closure of the hostel facility in HVP Central, HVP-Nepal needs support now more than ever. This is why we are so pleased to announce the official launch of Steps for Schools, in conjunction with World Walking, the virtual platform where you can travel across the world from the palm of your hand.

As you accumulate steps throughout the day, week, month or year, you embark on a virtual walk that can take you to some of the world’s most beautiful sights. We have been working with World Walking to bring you the Steps for Schools virtual walk 285 miles across Nepal, from the HVP school in Thali, to HVP Central in Kathmandu and finally across the country to Dang in West Nepal, where the third HVP school and Children’s Peace Home are located. Along the way, you will learn about who HVP's work, what we do, and the different projects that we run in Nepal. All you need to do is download the app, sign up to our walk, and get moving! If 285 miles (460Km) sounds daunting, remember that you can do it in your own time, over however long you like! Or to be more sociable and perhaps reconnect with fellow volunteers or travellers, or family who you have missed during the pandemic, you can sign up as a team, and split the steps between you.

It is free to register for this walking route, however we invite you to use this walk (or run for the extra energetic!) to raise money through sponsorship for HVP's work via the World Walking platform this summer and autumn. The new wing at HVP Central is almost complete but needs funds to get clasrooms decorated and equipped in time for the next school year. Teachers at all 3 schools who have endured uncertainty and stress through the pandemic - but have never faltered in offering HVP students learning and support in any way they can - have been working on reduced salaries due to a drop in student attendance. HVPN-UK has been doing everything possible to keep the schools operational and the community comfortable during this unprecedented time, but reserves are low. Any funds raised right now are a lifeline for HVP and will help us ensure a future for the schools, the Peace Home, and the many young people in the scholarship scheme who receive a quality education based in Human Values Philosophy as a result of our support.

We hope that you will join us!



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